
earthlings? live at pappy and harriets pioneertown palace pioneertown california september 11 2004

Hey y’all,

earthlings? are extremely excited about playing our favorite venue , pappy and harriets pioneertown palace in beautiful downtown pioneertown california ! what marks this as exceptionally wicked is the fact that we’ll be joined by the universal debut of the spores !!! that’s right , the first ever performance of the spores ! this is something you can tell your grandkids about. the weather is brilliantly perfect and the starry night awaits. the drinks are strong and the music of both bands will transport you to places unknown . just be sure to reserve a return trip . and don’t miss the early show by the awesome country band and enjoy some nice eats at pappy and harriets during the dinner show. the spores go on at 10 p.m. and earthlings? at 11p.m. also we have a few surprises up our sleeves and will be joined by very special guests . i don’t want to give away any secrets , so come see for yourself.
For directions and accomidation information , check out

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