

it’s the new year and lots of new stuff… earthlings? released the disco marching kraft e.p. in june through crippled dick hot wax .it features four new songs from the upcoming l.p….family ford , waterhead ,experimental scheme and disco marching kraft. earthlings? line up is now pete stahl , dave catching , molly mcguire , adam maples and mathias schneeberger. most songs were recorded at mathias’ studio , donner and blitzen studio with additional material recorded at the rancho de la luna. we’ve got over 20 new songs and hundreds of sound collages to put together and should be completed by june. molly and dave have been busy recording and playing live with brant bjork and the operators , mondo generator and molly’s band yellow#5. earthlings? have also backed mark lanegan on a few songs for his new album. arugula , the death metal glam rock masters , have been wrapped around the fists of molly, dave , mathias and mario lalli. pete’s been busy with talk of a new goatsnake album and being show business’ hardest working singer. adam’s been busy as father to stella , his daughter and playing occasionally with the pipelayer’s union and the gary eaton band. mathias has been steadily producing bands at donner and blitzen studio and playing some with fatso jetson. yellow#5 plays spaceland in l.a. on jan 15th . be on the lookout for upcoming shows and tour dates. this is info…

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